c. amstutz


Light ravine

concordia seminary  |  Clayton, MO
38°63’95.4”n  -90°31’42.3”w

critic: Lindsey stouffer
core studio  
fall 2016

Sited in Concordia Seminary Park in St. Louis, the non-denoninational “Light Ravine” Chapel welcomes all,  fixating on light as a unifying aspect of spirituality. To understand the power of light, students first created a “device” to alter the quality of natural light, and then performed a rigorous site and light analysis to select a site for the chapel.


light manipulating loom

The Refraction Loom allows the user to control caustics by manipulating  modular elements. The Loom is comprised of modules strung through a frame. Held in place at control points, the modules are capable of morphing into two forms: open and closed. When open, the modules disperse refractions, when closed, the refractions are condensed.

sound void

urban chapel and mapping

To understand experiential qualities on the site, I mapped tree canopies, acoustics and their effects on a visitor to the park. Cricket chirps, a sound that represents silence, served as a tool to inform the site of the chapel.  Preferring dark and warm habitats, crickets chirp loudest in areas that receive both the most intense light and shadow.

The Chapel views light as a universal language – it is a space that allows for reflection through light and dark, sound and silence. The proposed chapel reflects the sensitivity of the site and the nuance of light itself, creating a space of reflection for all.


© 2020 caroline amstutz